Korean PGA Tour Suspends Golfer For THREE YEARS For Giving A Fan The Middle Finger


What are we talking about here? We’re not talking about three days. Not three weeks. Not three months. Three YEARS. Suspended for three years for leaving one finger up and putting the rest of the fingers down. What the hell kind of operation are they running over at the Korean PGA Tour? Is Kim Jong-un the commissioner? People have gotten lighter sentences for actual crimes and they’re sitting this guy down for a full three years for flipping off a fan. That’s some wild shit. Imagine how long Ian Poulter would’ve been suspended if he played on the Korean PGA Tour. And it’s not like the guy is a nobody either, that dude is the leading money winner on the Korean PGA Tour and they’re still sitting him down for 1,095 days. Seems like sitting down the top player for something so trivial is a terrible no good idea but who am I to tell the Korean PGA Tour how to run their business.