Jerry Reinsdorf Just Said He Doesn't Own Pro Sports Teams To Make Money... Uhhhh What???

I just watched this video about 12 times in a row and then cleaned out my ears to make sure there weren’t potatoes growing in them, because I did not believe I was hearing Jerry Reinsdorf correctly.

Jerry Reinsdorf, owner of the Bulls and White Sox, just said and I quote, “nobody gets into sports to make money, you’re in it because you love the sport, you wanna do well for your city, and you wanna bring happiness.”

What the fuck?  This is the owner that threatened to move the White Sox to Tampa if the state/city didn’t finance a new stadium for him, the guy that continually employs Gar/Pax, has alway refused to spend at the top of the market for premier free agents in baseball and is the ire of two of Chicago’s major sport fanbases for a multitude of reasons.  There are people that LOATHE him in this city.  Now I’ve been super fucking pissed at him and one of my favorite tweets when the Sox are struggling is this:

Then again have never really been a total “FUCK JERRY” guy at the same time, at least not as bad as a lot of people in town.  But to say “The joy that you bring a city when you win, that’s what it’s all about” is just asinine.  Because the Bulls and the Sox haven’t done any of that in recent years.

The Bulls haven’t really done shit since Derrick Rose’ knee exploded:

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and the White Sox haven’t been over .500 in about 1000 years

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sooo… what exactly is he talking about?  I mean of course he’s in this to make money, and there’s nothing wrong with that either.  The Bulls are still a cash cow living off MJ and sell out just about every night, and the White Sox have the best stadium lease deal in sports which have to make him money hand over fist.  I’m not a finance guy (obviously) but he’s got a reputation for being the cheapest guy in town for a reason.  So Jerry… don’t piss on our heads and tell us it’s raining.  This video is going to piss a LOT of people off.

Now I can’t speak to basketball.  Hardly follow the sport.  But as I said in my offseason primer blog that came out this morning, the White Sox are in a great spot to spend big this winter.  Now if they don’t, it’s not because Hahn and his crew fucked up.  It will be because Reinsdorf was over involved and gave them financial limits.

“Will Reinsdorf pony up?” is the question that is in the back of every Sox fan’s head now that we’re onto the offseason. It sucks that it’s a money thing but it’s ALWAYS been a money thing with Reinsdorf, which completely contradicts what he just said in the interview with Kap.  It’s his business and he can spend money how he wants, but fuck outta here with telling the people that invest in your product that it’s not about money for you.  Unless there’s something we’re not seeing, you’re just lying to our faces.

The guy is going to be 84 years old at the start of next season.  He’s had a helluva run with all of the championships between the two organizations.  But if he wants to see another winner on the South Side, he better back up this video and spend some money this winter or he’s doomed for life.  Literally.