UPDATE: WhiteSoxDave Is Delayed At O'Hare And Could Miss The Yankees Live Stream

I would hope by now you’ve seen the story: Yankees fans leave big mess on Sunday night at the office and all hell rightfully breaks loose. People wished punishment upon the offenders and so it was handed down: Game 3 would be manually broadcast to the Yankees Crew by WSD with all updates exclusively coming from his mouth. I detailed all of it here:

Well fast forward to this morning. I could hardly sleep a wink, tossing and turning waiting for 3pm central time for WSD to take his stage.

That’s no joke: WSD knows baseball inside out. But asking him to give play-by-play to a room full of people he dreams of taking deep in a big moment? Well that has the makings for some electric controversy that no one knows they need until they get it. Trust me on this one. We got an all time shit show coming our way provided WSD can get out to NYC on time for game 3.

And just like that the plot thickens. Assuming that plane leaves at 12pm Central, that gives him 2 hours in the air and another hour to get to HQ for 1st pitch. Literally the only thing that could make this content better is WSD running in there last second, gassed to the fucking nines and sweating his ass off ready to do battle with some of his biggest rivals and detractors at the company. In other words: the best content I could ever ask for just got a little better.

And why?
