The Best Part About Having Twin Babies Is That You Can Turn Them Into Living Action Figures That Fight Each Other

Usually when I hear someone is about to become a parent, I hit them with the obligatory congratulations before joking about how their lives are pretty much over (By joking I mean I am dead serious but I say it in a joking manner with a smile on my face and maybe a few fake joking punches to the gut).

But when someone says they are going to have twins, I don't even joke about their lives being over because the abject look of terror in their eyes tells me they already know how bad it's going to be, even though it ends up being so so so much worse. To lift their spirits a bit, I usually tell them that starting with two is like learning how to play Madden on All Madden. If they ever decide to have another kid, it'll be a breeze unless God hates them and gives them multiple kids yet again. Other than that, I really had no other spinzone for them since I know how much dealing with raising a baby sucks and get physically ill whenever I think about dealing with 2 babies at once.

However our friend Antonio here has given those poor unfortunate souls one more reason to put a brave face on by showing you can turn two twin babies into live action figures. The best part about being a parent is being able to do stuff that was fun to do as a kid but became weird for you to do as you got older. It could be playing with bubbles, trick or treating, or always having a bag of Goldfish in the house to eat after you got home. And of course I am going to include fighting your action figures together, regardless of if they are He Man toys battling in Castle Grayskull, WWF toys wrasslin' in the ring, or little baby versions of you duking it out in the bed. Because if I tried to do this with my kids born three years apart, my older kid would either give me or her younger brother a bloody nose before she ratted me out to her mom. So enjoy the real life baby fight club, parents of twins. You poor motherfuckers deserve it.