The Cheating Epidemic Is So Bad In India That A School Had Kids Wear Cardboard Boxes Over Their Heads During Exams


Alright so a couple months ago I blogged about this school in Mexico that was facing heat for having students put cardboard boxes on their heads during an exam, but they adamantly denied the allegations. They insist that it was just a "dynamic exercise".  Well regardless of what was happening, they certainly gained a couple fans in the process. A school in India must've liked what they saw, because they recently implemented the same policy.

The Bhagat Pre-University College in Haveri, in India's southwestern Karnataka state, implemented a trial run of the new measure last Wednesday, according to school management head M.B. Sateesh.

A staff member photographed the students sitting in neat rows, their heads obscured by cardboard boxes.

No denying it here!! I'm sick they apologized afterwards though. For what? You made the decision. Live with it. And personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with the move. The way I see it, this is nothing more than putting blinders on a horse. Complete focus on the task at hand. The school wanted these kids zeroed in on nothing but their own exam, so they blocked out all the distractions (well, except the fact that they had a big cardboard box around their neck).


I love it. I know here in the states, we used to have to put folders up around our desks. Or the teacher would have us spread out. Or maybe even face the wall. But none of those were sufficient enough for this school in India. They couldn't take any chances there. And with good reason too. For those of you that don't know, India is the educational cheating scandal capital of the world!

There has been a number of cheating scandals across India in recent years. One particularly prominent scandal in 2015 saw parents and family members in Bihar state scaling the exterior walls of school buildings to pass their children cheat sheets.

Wait what? I've heard of whispering answers. Or texting them to your friends. Or even writing key words on your upper thigh or the brim of you hat or inside your water bottle label. But you're telling me that these crazy parents in India are so worried about their kids grades that they will scale the walls of buildings to hand them cheat sheets? I refuse to believe it.

**Turns out I was wrong

This is worse than I realized. Forget the apologies for putting cardboard boxes over kids heads. Forget the cardboard boxes in general. If the cheating epidemic is that bad, kids should be locked in solitary to take their tests.