Kate Beckinsale Here To Remind Us How Important Flexibility Is

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According to Harvard Medical School, the benefits of flexibility are more than you could ever imagine:

SOURCE-Activities that lengthen and stretch muscles can help you prevent injuries, back pain, and balance problems.

A well-stretched muscle more easily achieves its full range of motion. This improves athletic performance — imagine an easier, less restricted golf swing or tennis serve — and functional abilities, such as reaching, bending, or stooping during daily tasks. Stretching can also be a great way to get you moving in the morning or a way to relax after a long day. Activities such as yoga combine stretching and relaxation and also improve balance, a wonderful combination.

Stretching is often forgotten as we get older. Our Varsity glory days are over, so we no longer have a team to stretch with. It’s no coincidence that as we stop stretching, we also develop issues with our back, hamstrings, etc. We should all take an approach similar to Kate Beckinsale, who is VERY focused on stretching:

God bless that trainer.

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Kate has turned into an Instagram fitness star.

Kate Beckinsale. Forever the GOAT.