The Houston Astros Have Fired Assistant GM Brandon Taubman

Had to be done. No brainer. You just can't go on with your day to day activities as an organization with that scumbag still employed. It sets an unbelievably horrible precedent with everything you stand for if you keep him on. The moment the Astros acquired Osuna they said they were going to set a zero tolerance policy moving forward. They went out of their way to show how anti-domestic violence they were. When your assistant GM goes out of his way to brag to a female reporter about having a guy with a domestic violence history on the team, like the way Taubman did, then you need to fire him immediately. A suspension or fine doesn't do shit here. 

This incident created a gigantic cloud above everyone's head and it wasn't going away until this happened. Good job Astros (although the public really forced your hand here) and I'm glad you finally apologized to Stephanie Apstein for the original pathetic, garbage statement you directed at her right after the incident. Took you long enough. 

I still can't believe that got approved by a higher up to be sent out. Jesus Christ that was so bad. That guy or team needs to go too.