What The Hell Is This Corny Ass Celebration By Steph Curry And D'Angelo Russell?

I ask this with 100% seriousness. What the fuck is this? This is corny as hell. I mean, I know the Warriors have done corny shit in the past (just look at this photoshoot)

But we’re talking about a win in game 3 of the season. And yeah, yeah, I know how the season started. The Warriors fucking sucked – Draymond’s quote, not mine. You finally get a win over the Pelicans and you finally look good. This is even half joking, but you still can’t do this shit if you’re Steph.

That’s the key here. Steph is one of the 3, 4 best players in the game right now. You can’t be skipping around to the back arm in arm with DLo. You gotta be business right now. Have fun in the interview. Have fun in the locker room. Just don’t fucking skip.

Take it down a notch. Celebrate like this when the Warriors team total hits over.