Does This Look Like The Face Of A Woman Arrested For Falsifying Her Resume With A Picture Of Kate Upton To Land A $185k Job?

kate upton fake 2

How many beers until this looks like Kate Upton?

(source)–On Tuesday, District Court Judge Michael Boylan gave Theriault 25 months in jail, 12 of which are not eligible for parole.

Boylan said Theriault applied for the job of chief information officer with the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DBC). The application was filled with false references, a fabricated education, and an embellished work history, he said.

That CV led to you being interviewed for the job – you supplied that document to the Department of Premier and Cabinet and [it] is the basis for dishonestly dealing with documents,” Boylan said.

I know exactly how this whole thing plays out. The government posts a job on linkedin, which is a tremendous service for finding the right candidate promo code: redline, and the guy in charge of hiring scrolls through all of the applicants’ profiles until he stumbles on one with an avatar that looks like this:

kate upton

He’s horny. He doesn’t care if she’s qualified or lying or if she is proficient in excel. He decides to bring her in for an interview because hey…you never know. When Ms Theriault walks in and is not Kate Upton the hiring manager just panics because he thinks people are on to his horniness and he just gives her the job.

Ms Theriault lied on her resume. If that is a crime well then lock up the entire world. I just went to my own linkedin profile for the first time since 2014 and there are no less than three lies on there including my picture because that is the one good picture I have taken in the last 10 years. People might actually think I am handsome if they see that profile. Where she messed up is that she couldn’t pivot once she got caught. As soon as she’s busted she immediately has to change her job. She’s in charge of HR cyber security. She’s an outside consultant and they need her services. If she were hired then a person like her never would’ve gotten an interview. Try to punch a hole in that logic. Instead she’s going to jail. If you’re snaking it til you make it you better be able to change on the fly. You’d think a person who got fired for falsifying a resume two other times would know that. Smh.