The Texans Linebackers Dressed Up Again Today, This Time As The Average Joes From Dodgeball (Complete With Patches O'Houlihan)

Hand up, I was one of the millions of people that thought the Texans linebackers were out of their fucking minds for dressing up as SWAT team members against the Patriots last week. 

Not because there is anything wrong with having some fun with the preposterousness of grown men filming you while you walk into work. But simply because these are the two things people associate with the Texans dressing up against the Patriots.

However after last week, this is currently what everyone thinks of when you mention the Texans and Patriots in the same sentence.

I would already be hard pressed to criticize people that not only dressed up as the Average Joes but also included Patches O'Houlihan in the mix (If you can dodge a wrench, you can pick off a Drew Lock pass). But the Texans linebackers have also apparently been doing this all season, are 8-4, in first place of their division, and I curl into a fetal position whenever the Giants defense is on the field. So good for them I suppose since it seems like at least one team is doing some sort of crazy shit like this when they make a playoff run.

Also, you cannot tell me it's a coincidence that Houston athletes magically started dressing absolutely ridiculous when arriving for a game mere months after Russell Westbrook became a Rocket.