PGA Tour Pro Max Homa Roasted Our Golf Swings On Twitter (And Old Man Golf Media Is Upset Again)

So this has been going on for a couple days now. Max Homa just roasting anyone and everyone on Twitter who dares send him a video of their golf swing. It’s a fun, good-natured thing that just about everyone in the world of golf has gotten involved in. Well yesterday Max turned his sights on the Fore Play boys and other Barstool golfers with spectacular results.

First up, Frankie ‘Butterknives’ Borrelli

Boom roasted.

Second up, Riggs Barstool

Boom roasted.

Third up, yours truly

Boom roasted.

Ryan Whitney got in the mix too

Boom roasted.

Really enjoyable stuff from Mr. Homa. A couple jabs from Max about our horrific swings and a couple laughs for all involved. It’s been a fun thing on Twitter dot com that everyone has enjoyed. Well not everyone. Guess who doesn’t like it? The senior citizens over at Old Man Golf Media!

It’s actually amazing how mad and bitter Ol Huggsy is all the time. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he’s an Old Man Golf Media bot that gets upset any time anyone in golf tries to have fun. He’s absolutely furious about Max Homa making jokes on Twitter. God forbid a golfer try and have fun every once in awhile. SELF PROMOTION he says! Yeah no shit John but what’s wrong with that? And he’s doing it in a cool and interesting way that engages with golf fans. It’s all good. What a life John Huggan lives.