Mic'd Up Cricket Player Lets Out Painful Yelp After Taking Heater Straight to the Balls

This guy takes an absolute kill shot right in the cojones. That yelp he let out? Chills down my spine. I could literally feel his pain. Also, raises the question of why wasn't he wearing a cup? Seemingly every other part of his body is covered up in protective gear except his babymakers. Just a wild move to get that gear up and not protect one of the most pain-sensitive parts of your body.

Also, kind of fucked up that the announcers are just laughing it up at this whole thing. I get it's funny but you never hear announcers laugh at that kind of shit. They usually just wince aloud, laugh inside, like the rest of us.

But deep down everyone loves a good shot to the nuts (not your own, of course), so please enjoy this short compilation!