Enough is ENOUGH With The Brad Rutter Slander

Tonight is Night 3 of the Jeopardy GOAT Tournament. Ken Jennings won night 1. Jeopardy James won Night 2. Both nights Brad has struggled. Last night he didnt even participate in Final because he was at NEGATIVE THIRTY SIX HUNDRED. It would honestly take a miracle for him to beat either of these guys once, let alone (basically) SIX more times to somehow win this tournament. So, suffice it to say that the GOAT Tourney has not been kind to Brad Rutter.

But I cannot...and WILL NOT...sit by and allow this slander to continue. If you wanna clown his individual performance during this tournament, fine. But do NOT speak on this man's career! Put some respeck on Brad Rutter's fucking name! I'm not gonna stand for a bunch of fucking children disparaging the good name of one of the best Jeopardy contestants OF ALL TIME. These fucking punks who werent even alive for Biggie or Tupac and had their SATs graded out of 2400 talking down to the man who has won the most money in game show history. Not Jeopardy history. GAME SHOW HISTORY. Included fucking Wheel Of Fortune where you can win like 20 million dollars with a spin of the wheel. Last time I checked, the reason you go on game shows was to win money. And Brad has won the most ever, clocking in at upwards of 5 MILLION. Cash Rules Everything Around Me, you assholes. Everyone is one James' dick when Brad Rutter DOUBLED UP his bank account. Everyone reveres Ken and remembers his dominance, meanwhile Brad has directly beaten Ken multiple times in tournament play! All these Johnny Come Latelys to the Jeopardy realm who werent even around when the most you could win was 5 games, and they keep talking shit saying "he only won 5 times!" Well, its not his fault he was too smart for the fucking rules. He probably would have won a hundred in a row if they allowed him.

But who cares about regular season wins anyway. Brad Rutter was a Jeopardy postseason legend. This tournament we are watching now...the GOAT tournament that everyone is going crazy for - every other time Jeopardy has done an event like this, guess who's won it? B-RAD. Tournament of Champions, B-Rad. A quick 100K. The Million Dollar Masters? Rutter. Add a second comma to the bank account. Battle of the Decades? Another milli for Bradford. Yup, motherfucker's name is BRADFORD. Ultimate Tournament of Champions...take a guess. Who do you think won 2.1 million? Thats right you fucking uneducated, ignorant assholes. Brad. He added another 300K for All Star Appearances and 200K for coming in second place to Watson. Do you peasants realize that Monday night was the first time he's EVER lost to another human? And everyone is on twitter talking about how he doesnt belong and hes an embarrassment to the game and what not. Get alllll the way the fuck out of here. I guarantee anybody talking shit on Brad did not know the full scope of his success. Dude was the Grim Reaper of Tournament play and at the end of the day, hes top dog with the money. He might get blown out in the GOAT tourney but he most definitely belongs on that third podium.

It would be like if Jordan, Magic and Bird somehow all competed in a basketball challenge of some sort. A one one one tournament or pick up ball tourney or something. Imagine if Michael Jordan - previously undefeated in postseason and championship play - lost this challenge and everyone's reaction was "this guy is fucking trash, I cant believe he was even included in this, who the fuck is this guy, we should have put Kobe in there!" Absolutely not. No way. Nobody would slander MJs career based on losing to Bird and Magic. You might make fun of him in the moment but nobody would forget Mike's body of work. And the only people who would be disrespecting his career would be the children who never watched him. Well thats Brad. He was MJ. 4-0 in championships vs other humans. Hes finally taking his first L. And yes, of course we can all admit its particularly gruesome...but do not erase everything else he's done with that buzzer and his brain. You ungrateful idiotic slobs sitting on your couch who cant answer a single question right. The moronic Wheel of Fortune fans who can barely know the difference between consonants and vowels talking like Brad is dumb. Don't speak on Brad unless you know the full scope of his career. 

PS - While I will defend Brad's honor to the death, this is actually the best basketball analogy I've seen:

Thats perfect. Most rings, but not the best ever. James is superior, as is Ken. But nobody should ever discount Brad's greatness the same way that Bill Russell is always included in the GOAT convo too. Brad belongs and anyone who thinks otherwise can go watch bitch ass Pat Sajak and the fat dummies in the Bread Basketball singing the ABC's on Wheel.