Apparently The Key To Becoming One Of The Greatest Soccer Players In The World Is Taking 5 Naps A Day

That feeling when its nap time >>>>>>>

Source - One of the keys to Cristiano Ronaldo's success throughout his career as a footballer has been his dietary habits, details of which have emerged in recent days.

The Juventus forward eats as many as six times a day, with fish - chiefly sword fish, tuna and cod - making up the staple of his diet. Cristiano also puts away plenty of chicken, whose low fat content and high levels of protein earn it 'super food' status in the Portuguese's eyes...

...Cristiano, 34, also likes to sleep eight hours a night and have several naps a day: at times even five. This is, of course, combined with very hard work in training and in the gym, with swimming and pilates two activities he does in his free time to stay 100% in shape.

I love America, don't get me wrong. Being born in the US of A is like hitting the jackpot in life. With that being said...I just think that we fuck a lot of things up here. Primarily our aversion to intermittently napping throughout the day. 

The thing is that the whole American work schedule was constructed by a bunch of hardos around the 1920s or whenever the industrial revolution was. I'm not the biggest history guy in the world so maybe it was earlier than that, but still. You had these guys who decided that once you're not shitting in your diapers anymore, nap time is over for you. Once you're old enough to hold a hammer or work a conveyer belt, you'll be working your ass off from 9-5. Then we got around to having 40 million cars on the road at any given time and that introduced massive traffic into our lives. So you leave your home at 7 in the morning to fight through traffic on your way to work, clock in, work all day, clock out, fight through another couple of hours on your way home, eat a quick dinner, maybe have time to watch an episode of Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives, then you go to sleep and you do it all over again. Nowhere in that schedule is there any room to squeeze in a quick nap. 

Then you look at Cristiano Ronaldo. This dude has the life. Not only is he obscenely rich. Not only is he so beyond famous that "celebrity" isn't even the right word to describe him. But this dude also curls up on the couch and rips 5 naps a day. Cristiano Ronaldo is so much more successful than you AND he gets to nap 5 times a day on top of getting a full 8 hours of sleep. I'm sorry but at what point are we going to look at the American work schedule and realize that maybe we need to make a few tweaks. I'm a firm believer that America is the greatest country in the world, but the only thing holding us back right now is everybody is just too dang cranky. Imagine how much nicer everybody would treat each other if you weren't constantly tired? You think you'd care about a few minor inconveniences throughout the day if you just woke up from a little siesta? No chance. 

All I'm saying is that its time to bring back nap time. It really doesn't make any sense why we stop having nap time after preschool when the reality of the situation is that little kids need the least amount of naps out of everybody. Bring back nap time and then the only thing we'll have to worry about is getting sick of winning the World Cup every 4 years. Now go do yourselves a favor and crush a little lunchtime snoozy. 
