Chinese City Uses Facial Recognition Technology To Shame Public Pajama Wearers

Yesterday, I wrote about the downsides of facial recognition. Privacy appears to be dead as we know it. 

You can read the blog above, but today a New York Times article came up on Twitter timeline that proved once again that even evil provides good sometimes. 

SOURCE-When officials in an eastern Chinese city were told to root out “uncivilized behavior,” they were given a powerful tool to carry out their mission: facial recognition software.

Among their top targets? People wearing pajamas in public.

On Monday, the urban management department of Suzhou, a city of six million people in Anhui Province, sparked outrage online when it published surveillance photos taken by street cameras of seven local residents wearing pajamas in public along with parts of their names, government identification numbers and the locations where their “uncivilized behavior” had taken place.

IIf you wear pajamas in public, you deserve to be publicly shamed. It's that simple. If full-blown facial recognition will be coming over to the good ole United States (it's pretty much already here), I would just hope we get a pajama shaming session once a month. At least we'd get something funny out of it outside of our privacy being destroyed.