Danny Ainge And Marcus Smart Went At It Online Last Night And It Was Tremendous

After destroying that sorry excuse for a contender known as the Los Angeles Lakers, the vibe around this team has been nothing but positive. After weeks of this team looking like garbage and Celtics fans turning on one another on Twitter, nothing has brought all of us closer than a 32 point win over a long time rival. We'll see how things go tonight with the Grizzlies, but in the meantime it's been nothing but positivity and frankly we all needed it. Well last night things got even more enjoyable with Marcus Smart, Danny Ainge, and Mike Zarren taking to Twitter and posting as if they were a part of Weird Celtics Twitter. Every tweet was better than the last and if we're being honest it is the exact type of content I crave. 

Now I'm no dummy. I am fully aware that there's like a 75% chance this was all some sort of Twitter marketing campaign for chipotle. Remember earlier this summer when Charmin did something like that and players tweeted fake beefs?

so right off the bat my signal is up. Welcome to marketing in 2020. At the same time, this back and forth was so great I don't care if there was some big marketing campaign behind it. Let's take it from the top

First off, I will always watch that Jaylen dunk. Every single time it shows up on my timeline it's an instant click. Those are the rules. The fact that Marcus gave Ainge a little chirp made it even better, but man did we have no idea what we were in store for. 

Alright, now we got the team account involved which I'm pretty sure is Marc D'Amico who is great, and that's when you maybe got the feeling that we were in for a real treat. It didn't take long before Ainge responded

I am not kidding, this is exactly what my Dad says. Nothing makes Papa Greenie more bent out of shape then NBA players getting all hyped over a dunk. Part of me thinks that is because at a generous 5'9 (I'm giving him some extra height in the event he's reading this) the man lived his life below the rim. Bringing up the fact that the dunk was only 1 point due to the tech is such a Dad move I can't even stand it. 

This is where you start to get the idea that maybe this whole thing is a marketing ploy, but at the same time Danny Ainge is famous for basically main lining Chipotle right into his bloodstream. Pretty sure he has that free Chipotle for life card. The point is, Danny Ainge loves Chipotle more than you love your entire family. 

I mean what is going on here. Sometimes you just have to wonder why on earth Twitter is free but thank god it is. I'm actually impressed Ainge has figured out how to work Twitter this well, correctly tagging several people. The latest to the party is Mike Zarren, a name outsiders may not know but every Celtics fan does. He's a fucking genius and is Ainge's right hand man. Every offseason teams try and steal him so he can run their basketball team, but the dude is a lifelong Celtics fan and I hope he never leaves.

I really hope Marcus trademarks "there's always a loophole for a burrito bowl".

OH SHIT!!! I don't want to overreact here, but Mike Zarren may have just dropped the biggest Celtics scandal these eyes have evcer seen. Danny Ainge has ditched Chipotle? That can't be real. Everyone knows that when he's serious about a player he takes them to Chipotle. Remember when he took Fultz to B.Good or whatever instead? What happened that draft? Oh right he traded his ass for Tatum. When Ainge snagged Kyrie where did they go? Chipotle. Chipotle is as big an indicator of what Ainge is going to do than anything else you'll see float around the internet. 

Couldn't agree more Marcus, but the good seasons of Game of Thrones not that dogshit final one.

At this point things are getting ridiculous. We have front office executives having a Twitter battle over whether or not Danny Ainge eats Chipotle. That's a real sentence I just typed. Is this where it ends? Case closed right? Wrong!

Mike Zarren from the clouds with the kill shot! Look at Zarren airing out all of Ainge's dirty laundry for the world to see and pairing it with a classic highlight. This is why Zarren needs to be the future of this team once Ainge retires. The guy gets it.

And that was where things ended. I'll say this, if all of this back and forth somehow results in a Marcus Smart trade we riot. 

The more I think about it, even if this was all a marketing campaign, so what? It didn't work in a sense that I'm about to go hit up Chipotle and buy a burrito bowl but it did work in a sense that I was thoroughly entertained while watching this back and forth unfold in real time. Nothing panders to fellow Celtics fans better than our beloved captain taking to Twitter and posting like the rest of us. This may seem silly to non Celtics fans, and I can really only speak for myself, but shit like this is why I love this man and will willingly take a bullet for him. 

Some may want to get on Ainge because he has 1 title as GM and is reluctant to unload assets for rentals. I see a GM who dominates Twitter unlike anyone else in the league. Remember, this isn't the first time we've seen him have some fun on that website

and it just goes to show that Lakers high is real. You think this would have unfolded had the Celtics been embarrassed again on national television for the third straight time? No chance. Just when you might want to be mad at this team for their poor play recently they take to Twitter and pull you back in. Man this season is so much more enjoyable it's not even funny. 

But if I could be serious for a moment, please show up tonight against the Grizzlies. Don't ruin this great vibe with a letdown performance against a team that is playing great and help your pick while you're at it.