You Wanna See A Snake Get Launched Into Fucking Orbit? Yeah You Do

SEE YA LATER PAL! Thought you could just hang out in the grass on a fine afternoon, did ya? Fucking NOPE! Hope you got family in Biloxi because that’s where you’ll be landing sometime next week. I don’t even care where this video took place, I know for a fact that snake landed in Biloxi. In my life I’ve seen so few things launched in this same fashion. Off the top of my head David Ortiz’ home run in Japan and the Michael Vick Powerade commercial are the only two things that came to mind when I tried to conjure up launchings of this magnitude.

Where does one get a dog like this? How does one even go about training a hound to stop on a dime, identify a snake when it’s already thinking about a tennis ball, and then jettison said snake off into the horizon never to be seen or heard from again? My dog knows his name and that’s about where it ends. He certainly doesn’t know the instant kill command this helpful fella knows.

PS – I don’t care if this video is old. I just saw it for the first time and it made me audibly laugh out loud seeing that snake soar through the midday sky. Might blog it again tomorrow because that’s how much I’m enjoying rewatching this hellspawn do its best comet impression.