New App Lets You Pretend To Be An 'Influencer' As Thousands Of Bots Praise Your Posts And You Have To Be, Like, A Total Loser To Use It

"Botnet"? Yeah, ok. Reaaaal cool. 


You'd have to be a total nerd to download that app. And fine, yes, I am going to download it, but only for the sake of Big J Journalism since I have a communications degree. Just know that I know it's going to be stupid and you have to be a real weirdo to like, really like this app... 

Holy calzones you guys, it's AMAZING. The bots... they love everything I do. I've never felt more validated in my entire life. I'M LIKE A GOD TO THEM.

They never judge my looks or explain my own jokes back to me or compare me to the other women at my job as if we're in some sort of weird competition with each other based on gender or tell me I'm a try hard when I really am trying hard. The bots adore me. They truly SEE me, you know what I mean? 

According to Wired

Recently, Billy Chasen started to wonder what it would be like to be famous on the internet. Chasen is far from a nobody: He helped create Chartbeat, an analytics service used by many journalists, and, a beloved internet music community. But compared to the influencer set or even the average high school student, his social media presence is piddling. He has fewer than 600 followers on Instagram, and just over 4,000 on Twitter.

Cultivating a massive online following can take a lot of work, however, and Chasen did not have the time. So instead, he built some bots. Hundreds of thousands of them.

Chasen’s bots now live on a faux-social network called Botnet, which is free for anyone to download as an app. Botnet looks like a stripped-down Facebook Newsfeed, where the only posts you can see are your own. It’s just you and the bots, who like and comment on your posts with reckless abandon.

Really though, it is a fun idea and I gotta say - I love it. The creator is an interesting follow & the app is free so if you're looking for something to do take it for a test run & see what the bots think of your posts. (They're gonna be fans.)

You can get the app on your phone or click HERE