The Redskins Are Ready To Move On From Trent Williams

Just as I suspected would happen, the Skins and Trent Williams are ready to move on. The last blog I wrote about this saga on February 25th, Trent was trying to play the Skins like a fiddle, saying that he wanted another massive contract in order to return to the team. Like, top paid tackle in the league type of money, despite being over the 30 year old hill and a consistent inability to stay on the field for a full season.

But it's tricky because obviously Trent Williams makes the team much better. Having him protect Haskins last year would have been a god-send, but also more annoyingly, Bruce Allen wasted a year of his contract instead of trading him for a 1st rounder. So instead of being traded for a 1st round pick last season and his new team having him for 2 full seasons under contract, he's now down to 1 year which makes me assume his value is no longer a 1st rounder. So frustrating how Bruce continues to haunt us from the grave.

If I had to guess, and this is pure conjecture, we will get something like a 2nd and a 4th for him. Maybe not even that to be honest. A 3rd and a 6th? I hope a team panics and gives a 1st (oh boy, bring on the leaks and smoke screens and rumors!) but I don't foresee that happening.

I've loved Trent during his time here but it's clearly time for him to move on.