NBA Players Are About To Get So High During This Hiatus

(Yahoo Sports) - The NBA and the National Basketball Players Association have reached an agreement to not subject players to drug testing during the hiatus caused by the coronavirus, league sources told Yahoo Sports.

Players typically undergo “six random, unannounced urine drug tests during each season and off-season,” as stated in Article XXXIII of the collective bargaining agreement.

This rare agreement is only temporary, sources said.

Marijuana, steroids and performance-enhancing drugs are some of the banned substances in the league’s anti-drug program, even though some states allow recreational and medicinal marijuana use for those 21 or older.

According to the CBA, players testing positive for drugs of abuse are banned from the league for a minimum of two years, and players testing positive for performance-enhancing substances are suspended for 25 games for a first violation, 55 games for a second violation and are banned from the league for a minimum of two years for a third violation.

A positive test for heroin or cocaine warrants an automatic two-year suspension.

Well talk about turning a negative into a positive. If things are going to be put on pause for at least 3 months, you can guarantee NBA players are going to treat this time away just like the rest of us. A quick supermarket run to load up on snacks that are supposed to last you weeks, a fresh bowl, some 2K, and the next thing you know you're out of snacks. You may think there's no way players will risk it, but come on use your brain. A break of 3 months is more than enough time to get everything out of your system. That's the best case scenario too, chances are it's even longer. 

If I were running an NBA team I would already be a little worried how my players were going to stay in shape during this break. Now with the news that there won't be any drug testing that would send my concern level to an all time high. Imagine you're the Lakers and you JUST brought in Dion Waiters. You think he's going to be able to resist a gummy or 5 while he chills and watches Netflix? No chance. That's a potential shooting option that could be at risk of not being available. 

Honestly I love this move by the league and the players association. Basically admitting that yeah, this whole situation sucks and there isn't really a solution in sight so let's all just agree to turn the other way and let everyone smoke blunts. This is why the NBA is always one step ahead as a progressive league. You don't have to worry about players going out and catching coronavirus or anything like that if everyone is just zonked out of their mind on their couch. You want people to participate in social distancing, well let everyone get high as hell and throw on Netflix/2K. It works for literally every other normal person on the planet, so it's good to see the NBA is using their brains with this one.

But also, can you imagine if everything gets back to normal this summer and a major rotation player somehow tests positive and is suspended for the playoffs. I NEED that type of drama to make up for the league being taken from us for months.