Don't Worry, Even Emilia Clarke Hated The Fuck Out Of The Game Of Thrones Ending

Page Six- Even Emilia Clarke, “The Mother of Dragons,” couldn’t stand the much-criticized finale of “Game of Thrones.” The British actress who played fan-favorite Daenerys Targaryen admitted that she wasn’t too happy with the ending when she read the script. “I knew how I felt when I first read it, and I tried, at every turn, not to consider too much what other people might say,” she told The Sunday Times. “But I did always consider what the fans might think — because we did it for them, and they were the ones who made us successful, so…it’s just polite, isn’t it?”

YASSSSS QUEEN KHALEESI!!! I remember when Thrones fanatics were shaming anybody who pointed out that the show wasn't nearly as good once Benioff & Weiss were done with George RR Martin's source material and smashed the Fast Forward button on production of the show over the last two seasons. Well if Emilia Clarke, who seems like the nicest and most reserved person on the planet, comes out and breathes fire all over the ending of the show she gave years of her life to in exchange for fortune and fame, it was trash. No ifs, ands, r maybes about it. 

I don't remember who tweeted this the other day but someone said the fact the entire country is quarantining itself and nobody has said "Lets do a rewatch of Thrones" lets you know just how awful that ending was. The Night King ended up being essentially a big fat phony cult leader with a few magic tricks, Dany went from Liberator With A Heart Of Gold to Crazy Bitch in two episodes flat, and everything that happened after Drogon spit hot fire out of his mouth that might as well spelt out METAPHOR as he melted the Iron Throne was as cringeworthy as it gets. Even seeing Jon Snow being the one that killed Dany pissed me off, but not for the same reason it pissed Emilia off.

And Clarke wasn’t too pleased with how her character was offed by nephew-lover, Jon Snow. “I really felt for her,” Clarke revealed. “And yeah, was I annoyed that Jon Snow didn’t have to deal with something? He got away with murder — literally.”

If someone from a famous and rich family commits a murder, they can easily get away with it. I'll wait for all the conspiracy theorists to chime in here.


OK, happy you guys got that all out. 

Anyway, Jon Snow actually doing the smart thing for once was red flag city considering every move he made was a complete failure in basic strategy that would have ended with Jon dying if it wasn’t for Sansa getting the Knights of the Vail during the Battle of the Bastards, The Night King’s dragon pretty much playing footsie with Jon during the Battle of Winterfell, and Dany looking for a smooch from her super honorable boom boom buddy mere hours after she turned hundreds of thousands of innocent people to ash in King’s Landing. I would say George RR Martin will fix all of this once he releases the books, but let’s be honest. That's never going to happen. Instead, everyone who said they liked the last season will finally admit how much it sucked while also admitting that Bran was clearly the correct choice for king since his brain is a supercomputer with every cheat code and he took the throne without taking a step for years. #BRANWAGON #GOAT