J. Lo Hits Fucking Dingers

So yesterday A-Rod did a live stream of his beautiful make believe back yard where he and his family smashed some wiffle balls during their quarantine. Nice life. I haven't left my bedroom in 4 days. My bedroom. Alex is out in his Miami backyard enjoying all the fruits of life with Jennifer Lopez and his kids. I haven't seen daylight since fucking Saturday and I have a wisdom tooth coming in that is piercing through my skin like a knife. I have more fun asleep than I do when I'm awake because I can't feel the pain. Alright enough about me. 

Naturally Alex was launching balls over the house, but when J-Lo grabbed the bat she started sending out her own missiles at 110 exit velos. I mean just absolutely ripping it and gripping it like a savage. The woman can truly do anything you ask her to. This is actually the closest thing we're going to get to sports for the next 3 months. Just kill me now. 

Also how about this quote from A-Rod in his Insta caption

I mentioned this during the livestream, but do you know what Shakespeare did when he was quarantined because of the plague? He wrote King Lear. You can let this time pass you by, or you can seize it and use it to work on your swing, watch a ton of video, and make yourself a better player. Or a better anything, for that matter. 

He basically implied he's making a comeback right? Or that he's going to write a book and cure corona at the same time. Dude only needs four homers to hit 700, I'm just saying. I think he can do it! Just put in the tee work with Jennifer and get out there every morning at sunrise. If she grabs the bat and says let's hit, you really going to say no?

P.S. We now need Amy Cole against J. Lo on the baseball diamond at some point in our lives. I refuse to die before that happens.