WARNING: My Girl Bonnie Will Kick Your Stupid Bleach Blonde Ass For Being Rude At The Grocery Store

Going to the grocery store during a global pandemic is a bottom 5 life experience. That's a fact. The vibe is somewhere between a morgue and a flea market with social customs dating back to the wild wild west. Everywhere you look someone is stealing toilet paper, sabotaging another customer's basket or openly fist fighting over chicken cutlets. It's such an ugly scene that I honestly might just go Portillos drive thru from now until the quarantine is lifted. If for no other reason that you have to imagine grocery stores being the #1 breeding ground for corona virus spread.

I dare you to buy eat an apple from the produce pile 

So excuse Bonnie here for wanting to cover up just a little bit in the face of Karen's ignorance. Sue her for wanting to observe social distancing on corona's home turf amidst a couple of middle-aged bleach blonde twats. Absolutely nothing wrong with taking a conservative approach in public and hats off for not dropping hands in public. From the looks of her jaw and the vibes of her jib, I'd be willing to bet there'd be fucking bodies at the self checkout stacked back to the pharmacy, faces turned into authentic potato pancakes. Everyone knows you don't fuck with Polish grandma's.

Bonnie, if you're reading this, I love you. Would love to do a pot luck next year for Casimir Pulaski day. I'll bring the paczki.