Wake Up With Blake Lively In The Movie Accepted (The Only Perfect Girl To Ever Exist)

Last night I wound back the clock on my childhood to one of my all-time favorite movies, Accepted. I really think this might be the most underrated movie of our generation. It's an easy hour and thirty three minutes and is pure entertainment from start to finish, but it doesn't get the credit it deserves for whatever reason. If you haven't seen it, please make that a priority for today's quarantine. I found it on the Starz streaming app if that helps. You're welcome. 

Accepted is as good as it gets with Justin Long, fat Jonah Hill, Lewis Black, and of course Blake Lively. I whole heartedly believe the character she plays in this movie, Monica Moreland, is the most perfect girl ever created. She is flawless. You might hate watching this masterpiece because you'll realize you will never meet a girl like Monica in real life and that's just depressing. 

Fucking Ryan Reynolds man.