BREAKING: James Dolan Has Coronavirus

Look, my hatred for James Dolan knows no bounds. He has ruined my life for 20 years while being a smug asshole the entire time. But even that being said, I hate coronavirus more. So the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Well not my friend because James Dolan will never be my friend. But fuck coronavirus significantly more than James Dolan because that asshole is ruining everyone's lives instead of just Knicks fans lives. Dolan has robbed me of happiness as a Knicks fan for this entire century. But the Big C has already taken away March Madness, Opening Day, the NBA season, normalcy, my sanity, and potentially so much more. And for all the shit Dolan has (rightfully) gotten for being a prick, he has actually taken good care of the MSG employees through all this.

I mean, even though we was going through our drama I would never wish death on nobody. You know what I'm sayin'? Because there ain't no coming back from that. Biggie said that, so you know it's true. 

So let me say I wish James Dolan the best in recovery but hope he sells the team the minute this covid bullshit is done with. 

Blogger's Note: Credit to me for taking the high road. Maybe James can do the same with Charles Oakley, Spike Lee, and selling a basketball team for billions of dollars to make millions of people happy #somethings