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According To ONE Study, Smoking May Actually Lower Your Risk Of Getting The Coronavirus, SOLD!

Like many others out there, quarantine hasn't exactly been great for my mental or physical health. I haven't "stopped eating", I only drink coffee and O'Doul's, my smoking has increased by at least 25%, so I'm up to a now unhealthy pack a day, and my sleep schedule could best be described as "sometimes"

However, the main reason I sprung out of bed this morning was because I read this tweet and wanted to share some fantastic news.

You see, like many smokers out there, I was a VERY WORRIED that my smoking was going to make me a statistic if I ever get this bastard virus. I had heard new reports that young people were being hit harder than initially reported, and I was certain that the underlying cause of ALL those cases was smoking, but not anymore.

According to the only study that I am personally going to listen to, smoking is apparently a kind of magic protector AGAINST THE VIRUS. Remember, these are their words, not mine, so you can either do what I did, which is embrace the following information whole heartedly and light up another smoke, or you can determine this is idiotic, it really depends on how much fun you want to have during quarantine.

The article is full of numbers and stats that frankly I didn't understand AND lost sight of when I read the only lines from the article that really matter. "This preliminary analysis does not support the argument that current smoking is a risk factor for hospitalization for COVID-19, and might even suggest a protective role". 

AND THIS FABULOUS LINE "As a result, the generalized advice on quitting smoking as a measure to improve health risk remains valid, but no recommendation can be currently made concerning the effects of smoking on the risk of hospitalization for COVID-19".

Then "RecklessLlama", who I assume runs the Mayo Clinic, chimed in with this comment and it all made perfect sense.

Yep, sounds correct, Dr. RecklessLlama!

Of course there are millions of other studies that suggest the exact opposite MAY be true, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and ignorance is fucking bliss, so do your own research and discover on your own that smoking will kill you.

Have a great fucking day!

Hard Factor Wes

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