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Wake Up With The Scariest Man On Earth: Fully Armored Lunatic Jack Bauer

I think when you go down the different versions of unstoppable characters in movie or television history 'Body Armor Jack Bauer' sits right at the top. He's the boss you have to get through to win the game. 

During Season 8 of '24' Jack went full apeshit. His love Renee Walker was dead and there was nothing stopping him from getting full payback on the world. If there's one rule in life it's never get in the way of Bauer after his girl dies. With President Logan working with the Russians he became Jack's next target. That would mean bad news for Logan. The moment he caught a whiff of Bauer in that tunnel it was like he saw a ghost. I remember watching this scene with my dad and laughing out loud the whole time. That fear in Logan's eyes is only something that can be produced by Bauer. 

The fact that those secret service agents thought they had even a 0.1% chance of defeating full armored Bauer with their minuscule pistols is beyond me. It was honestly insulting that they left the car thinking that plan was going to work. You're in the secret service and that's your best play?

The stare and background music when Bauer finally approaches the window and sees that weasel Logan is something out of a horror movie. You just never want to find yourself in a stare down with this man. 

Moral of the story? Don't kill Jack Bauer's love interest or have anything to do with it. That's how you unlock Full Armored Jack Bauer and meet your demise.  

What a fucking show.