NPR Comes Up With Worst Map Of All Time And Apparently We're All Truck Drivers

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*We used data from the Census Bureau, which has two catch-all categories: “managers not elsewhere classified” and “salespersons not elsewhere classified.” Because those categories are broad and vague to the point of meaninglessness, we excluded them from our map.



So I’m not a data scientist or whatever you call those people that create these maps but isn’t taking out “Salesperson” and “Manager” sort of a big deal? There is no chance there are this many truck drivers in America. Maybe a couple thousand who all talk on their radio thingy all day and fuck the same whores at each rest stop, but everyone in America? Come on. And like I said, taking out “salesperson” isn’t a minor deal. Everyone is in sales. Every single person. Whether you realize it or not, you’re in sales. Fuck when you boil down my existence I’m basically a T-Shirt and Concert salesman. That’s it. Everyone is trying to sell one thing to the next guy, that’s how the world works. So nice try NPR, cool map telling us that the world is full of truck drivers. Just try to slip that little qualifier by us and pretend it doesn’t matter. According to NPR my job actually is Super Bowl winning NFL Quarterback*.




*I took out arm strength, athleticism, smarts, accuracy, toughness, agility, and field vision.