"We Don't Need No So-cial Dis-tance..." NJ Cops Shut Down 'Pink Floyd' Show That Was Violating Governor's Order


This evening the Rumson Police Department received an unfortunate call about a group of 30 people on the front lawn of a house on Blackpoint Rd. near Wood Ln. When our patrols arrived we were met by a group of approx. 30 "40-50" year old ADULTS who were located in the middle of Blackpoint Rd and on the front law [sic] attending an acoustic concert of Pink Floyd's greatest hits. (Some even brought lawn chairs)

The impromptu concert was performed by two guitarists equipped with microphones and amplifiers who were also broadcasting the concert via facebook live.

When we informed everyone that they must leave--in accordance with Governor Murphy's executive orders regarding these so called "corona-parties"--we were met with well wishes of "F-the police" and "Welcome to Nazi Germany" from this group of "40-50 year old ADULTS".

As the old saying goes, in the midst of all this chaos, the band still played on, that is until they were advised in the middle of the 1975 classic "Wish you were here", that they must stop the show.

Sadly i'm sure we all "wish we could be here", and the Rumson Police Department takes no enjoyment in ruining anyone’s fun! However we ALL have a responsibility to take this pandemic SERIOUSLY and adhere to the social distancing requirement.
We also need to be a good role model for our children and be kind and understanding during these times.

Please use this incident as a learning experience for everyone! If we have to respond to another "corona party" we will be using a zero tolerance approach and everyone involved will be charged with Disorderly Conduct. We are all in this together and together we need to make smarter choices.

#partysover #stopthespread #savelives #wedontneednocoronaparties

There was an addition made a little while after the initial post...

Update: On behalf of Chief Scott Paterson, the Rumson Police Department has received some inquiries regarding the status of charging the people involved. The matter is presently under investigation by the Rumson Police Department and charges are pending. A post will be made once the subject(s) have been served with a criminal complaint.
-Lt. Christopher J. York

This is the Facebook page for the Borough of Rumson (N.J.) Police Department. Gotta commend the cops for their restraint here. Probably took a lot to not smash the faces of some drunk, entitled, loaded, 40-something-year-old assholes yelling "fuck the police" and comparing them to fucking Nazis when the police were there for the actual safety of the idiots. (I wonder who the people yelling that call when they see strangers in their neighborhood...).


But there was a second version of the story that may as well have come from the dark side of the moon...

Some New Jersey adults found themseleves on the thin ice when the Rumson police showed up in the flesh to shut down a Pink Floyd-themed Corona party. The cops asked "is there anybody out there?" and wondered if perhaps the adults in charge had brain damage or if any of them would try to run like hell. The police yelled "hey you" and told them to stop and "speak to me" or else they'd be doing time. One fella was already on thin ice and called out for his mother. The partiers claimed that the show must go on but the cops said if they have to come back, the partiers can tell their side at the trial which will cost them a ton of money. 

"We were having one of the happiest days of our lives but now it's just empty spaces," said one partygoer. "This is bull, the show must go on." 

"If we come back, there better be nobody home or it's gonna be goodbye blue sky when we don't bring the boys back home," one cop said, "After all this, I need to have a cigar."