In Case You Haven't Figured It Out You Need To Update Your Iphone App To Get It To Work




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All weekend I was getting people complaining about our app not working. Yeah no shit it’s not working bro. You’re using our old one. You need to update to get the new one. And yes currently you need IOS 8 to get the new update. We are going to be doing a new release in a week or so that will allow people to use the old operating system but you won’t be able to play vines and videos and shit. Hey don’t shoot the messenger. It’s a brand now app. We had to use the most recent operating system.  Maybe you should stop being a poor person and update it.

Also we are aware of the glitch that happens when you click back after a story and it takes you back to the top as opposed to where you just finished reading. That will be fixed in the next release as well.

BUT PRES WHERE DID THE COLORS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!