People Are Selling Bags Of Air From Kanye West Concerts On eBay, 2015 Is The Best

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Kanye West fans are used to seeing thousand-dollar price tags attached to the rapper’s Air Yeezy sneakers when they’re put up for sale on eBay, but the auction site is now being overrun by sellers offering up plastic bags full of air allegedly captured at West’s concerts. The gag started Friday when one ambitious seller attempted to sell a Zipperseal bag with “Air From Kanye Show,” with 90 bidders driving the price tag to over $60,000, the Telegraph reports.


While that auction was ultimately pulled from the auction site, eBay has since been flooded with similar auctions promising air bagged from a Yeezus show, even though the copycats lacked certificates of authenticity proving the air – likely carbon dioxide – was grabbed at a West concert. eBay has apparently stopped trying to swat down the new “bagged air” auctions, so buyer beware at this point.



Haha this is awesome. If that chick last week looking for free money to go to Vegas was the worst part of 2015 this may be the best. I know that sounds contradictory on the surface but come on. Someone is selling air from a concert and people are actually willing to buy it. How fucking stupid is that? I know there are probably fake bids in there but the point remains, someone will buy this air. Someone will be dumb enough to purchase a bag of air, and that is awesome. They’ll probably put it in a case and show everyone who walks into their house. Like George finding Jon Voight’s pencil only it’s air and not a sitcom. What a world. What a fucking world.







How much do you think I can get for this pen from the Draftkings house? Bought it at a gas station around the block but it lived in the DraftKings house for at least 3 days.



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