Phil Jackson Breaking Down Jordan Highlights And The Triangle Offense Was Pretty Damn Cool

I know there may or may not have been a few Bulls/MJ/etc blogs on this site over the last 24 hours, lord knows I've dipped my toe in that click pool. The game is the game. But this right here is a little different. As fun as all of the untold stories are to hear and the never before seen footage awesome to see, this is what I'm really interested in. I suppose you have to be more of a hoop head to really care about this stuff, but hearing Phil Jackson talk about the triangle offense and break down highlights is the good stuff. It's one thing to hear about this stuff from talking heads on TV. But to hear it from the dude who ran this shit to the tune of 11 rings, well that's a little different. 

There's just something I love about hearing legends like Phil Jackson talk about all the little details of each play. You're seeing what he's seeing as he's seeing it. That's pretty cool. You sort of get the idea of why this system was so successful and perfect for that team. I hope we get more stuff like this throughout the whole showing of the documentary. I'd love to see Phil Jackson break down huge moments and what the plan was for each play. Inject that shit right into my veins.

It's too bad Kobe couldn't do this though. It'd be must watch stuff to hear him break down Jordan and Phil Jackson. I have to say I really enjoyed pretty much every Detail that Kobe did, and if you've never seen em but are into this sort of thing, enjoy your Monday night.

RIP Mamba.