TV News Reporter Gets Mugged Live On Air



JOHANNESBURG, South AfricaA television news reporter was mugged as he prepared to deliver a live report on national television on Tuesday and the whole thing was caught on his own crew’s camera.

SABC News contributing editor Vuyo Mvoko was covering the arrival of Zambian President Edgar Lungu at a hospital in South Africa when the crime occurred.

In the video, posted by SABC on Youtube, Mvoko can be seen with microphone in hand calmly waiting for the anchor in the studio to introduce his live segment. Several men can be seen walking behind him. The men then stop suddenly and turn toward the news crew.

On the video Mvoko seems to ignore the men as they walk in front of his camera at first and then he realizes what is happening. 

“Hey, we’re being mugged,” says Mvoko into his microphone. “We’re being mugged.”

The feed then cuts back to the anchor in the studio.

“Sadly, while our contributing editor Vuyo Mvoko was busy with the coverage of President Lungu visit to Milpark hospital this evening, he became a victim of mugging outside the hospital in full view of SABC cameras,” reads the caption on the video.

Mvoko was able to return to the studio where he explained on-air what happened.



Live TV news reporter is such a sneaky annoying job.  Always getting sent into super dangerous situations like extreme weather or race riots.  Constantly getting harassed by people in the street giving you noogies and wet willies, running up behind you screaming obscene phrases about having sex directly into specific body parts.  Now I guess we can add live mugging to the list.  Poor guy just trying to report on a presidential hospital visit and next thing you know 2 guys are sprinting down the street with his wallet watch and cell phone.  Maybe time to hit up my man, got to be a more rewarding profession out there that doesn’t end up with all your possessions getting stolen on a street corner while a couple of assholes tucked safely behind a desk live-narrate it for the viewers.

Chris Cuomo would never let this happen.  Don Lemon yes, absolutely, he’d be curled up in a ball sucking his thumb before you even left the scene.