Man Shoots His Buddy With A Shotgun For Bringing Him A Busch Instead of a Budweiser

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NOLAAn argument between years-long friends over which beer is better — Budweiser or Busch — ended Saturday in Harvey with a shotgun blast, authorities said.

Clarence Sturdivant, 64, shot his 66-year-old neighbor, Walter Merrick, said Col. John Fortunato, spokesman for the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office.

The beer showdown occurred Saturday afternoon at a complex of single-story apartment buildings in the 1500 block of Esther Street in Harvey. Merrick told investigators that he and Sturdivant were chatting in the parking lot when Sturdivant asked for a beer, a Sheriff’s Office incident report said.

Merrick returned with a can of Busch beer — apparently not Sturdivant’s brew of choice. An angry Sturdivant declared his preference for Budweiser, according to the report.

The two men continued to quarrel over beer brands until Merrick said Sturdivant shot him and left, the incident report said. Deputies pulled Sturdivant over a short time later in the 1500 block of Estalot Street in Harvey, and found 20-gauge shotgun cartridges in his truck, the report said. They also found a spent 20-gauge shotgun cartridge at the scene of the shooting.


Ahhh, time to revisit some of the worst people on planet Earth:  the beer snobs.  Or the alcohol in general snobs.  The people who care so much about what you drink that they feel the need to call you out for it, tell you how wrong you are, shoot you at close range with a shotgun.  Now I’ll admit, normally we’re dealing with like craft beers in these situations.  Psssh dude you drink Lagunitas?  What are you poor?  Imperial Double IPAs from the artisanal brewery in downtown San Fransisco where they make their own hops in a self sustaining Biodome or GTFO!!  It’s not every day you see this type of explosion when talking about Busch and Bud Heavies but hey, beer snobbery plays at any level.  The heart wants what it wants, and clearly Clarence’s heart felt VERY strongly about it judging by the gunpowder residue on his hands and his buddy lying on the parking lot floor bleeding to death.   That’s why you only hang out with non judgmental alcohol consumers.



PS – Tell me you can read the name Clarence without immediately rapping in your head that he lives at home with both parents and his parents have a real good marriage. Because I can’t.