Florida Man Says Firearms Found in His Car Belong to His Cousin John Wick

When you get caught with multiple illegal firearms and a kevlar vest in your car, you can either give up right then and hope your lawyer can get you an ok deal or you can have a story ready. Or in the case of Getro Gelin, you can try to come up with a story on the spot — but it would be advisable to have a better one than he did.

Police arrived at Gelin's home after a woman claimed he threatened her with a firearm. The woman told police Gelin may have hidden the gun in his car, which is where the police did recover multiple guns and a bulletproof vest. But don't worry, he had an explanation for that.

New York Post — When cops asked Gelin to explain, he explained that the SUV wasn’t even his anymore — he’d sold it “to his cousin John Wick,” according to the affidavit.

He later admitted the John Wick reference was a lie, but “would not reveal his cousin’s name,” authorities said.

As far as excuses go when guns are found in your car, saying the car has been sold is not the worst I've ever heard — given it's still at his house, but whatever. Unfortunately for Gelin, he kept talking a second or two too long. Just say you sold it to your cousin, dude. This guy gives me serious Jeff Jackson Simpson vibes.

No word from the Port St. Lucie police on if a John Wick has been contacted.