Letterman Does Top 10 On Dickie V Shoving His Tongue Down Ashley Judd's Face


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Wash Po - Lots of folks were kind of, shall we say, grossed out by the image, and some wondered if Judd was as enthused about the lips-to-lips moment as Dickie V presumably was. Not to worry, Judd told MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts on Monday, she was just fine with it.

The actress/Kentucky superfan was on Roberts’s show to plug a couple of film projects, as well as to gab, of course, about her beloved Wildcats and the upcoming NCAA tournament. Roberts steered the conversation toward the kiss, telling Judd, “You don’t look like you’re too into it.”

“Dick Vitale is one of my favorite human beings,” Judd told the MSNBC host. “He is an advocate of the sport that I love. … And we became friends at the Southeastern Conference tournament.”

Judd then patted her cheeks and said that her “mother and sister always used to do this thing when they were taking a picture with someone, right as the snap was made, they would kiss on the cheek. So I did that with Dick, and he’s, like, an uncle to me, I adore him and his wife is one of the most lovely human beings.”

Well, Judd might be the only one who thinks that she was getting kissed on the cheek there. Nevertheless, she said she was “disappointed that it’s been misinterpreted.”


Got to respect Ashley Judd getting Dickie V’s back here.

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Poor guy has had such a rough go of it lately – slowly getting phased out at ESPN, getting booted off the UNC/Duke games which he basically lives for, getting pummeled on social media for every little thing he does, getting blown up by bloggers leaking personal facts such as him locking a public bathroom at an FSU frat house and dropping a massive dump.  Last thing he needs is a full blown controversy about him violating Ashley Judd’s mouth.  It would end him. Ashley knows that.  Did the honorable thing and stepped up to the plate for Dick and in the process probably saved his life.  Don’t want to exaggerate and call her a hero or anything but facts are facts.


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