Sunday Stretching With Kate Beckinsale

Alright everyone. I know we are all hungover and tired as shit from whatever Zoom ragers we had last night. But I cannot let you guys to willfully allow lactic acid to build up in your body. Can't do it. I even made a #meme to hammer the point home!

So I am forcing you to watch these Kate Beckinsale videos to stretch whatever muscles out that you can and shove that anaerobic asshole lactate into a bodybag so we can enjoy this beautiful Sunday together before its back to the grind with gray days that always seem to be 10 degrees away from being warm. 

Since today is still technically Sunday Funday as well as Brunch Day, feel free to loosen up with the hair of the dog like Judy Garland seems to be doing if that's what you need to get the day rolling.

Now carpe the fuck out of this diem!