Inmate #1: The Full Trailer Is Out For Danny Trejo's Bio-Doc And It Looks Awesome

From Rolling Stone:

Danny Trejo recounts his incredible life story, from criminal to celebrity, in the new trailer for Inmate #1: The Rise of Danny Trejo. The film is set to arrive on digital platforms July 7th.

Inmate #1 was directed by Brett Harvey, and the new trailer offers an overview of its scope, starting with Trejo’s troubled childhood. From a young age, Trejo struggled with addiction and violence — he recalls burying a sawed-off shotgun and a hand grenade in his mother’s backyard — and frequently found himself in prison. But he eventually turned his life around, and it was his new role as a drug counselor that actually led to his first ever acting job in the 1985 film Runaway Train.

Since then he's gone on to do dozens of movies like MacheteHeat, Desperado, Con Air, Once Upon A Time In Mexico, Grindhouse, Anaconda, lots of TV shows, and even a music video for the band Slayer. On top of that the indie film Champion (2005) tells the story of his life, but this time with Inmate #1 it will coming straight from Trejo himself. It's already winning awards and this is one of those things I wish was coming out sooner so I could enjoy it during #quar. To put it eloquently, I've just always really liked him.

I also really liked the line he says at the end of the trailer:

"Everything good that has happened to me has happened as the result of helping someone else."

Hope this doc brings lots more good things his way because he's definitely been doing good for others.