I Honestly Think This Is The Biggest Gym Hardo I've Ever Seen

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Is this guy solving a Rubik’s cube on top of a medicine ball in between sets of pull-ups the biggest hardo in the world?

P.s. Sick vibrams




Unreal. Just unreal. Back in my gym days I used to laugh at the guys who read the paper or wrote their workouts down in a journal in between sets, but I’ve never seen something like this. Rubik’s cube, standing on a medicine ball so you work your car along with your brain, and a pair of footy shoes. Only thing missing is one of those high altitude Bane masks and this guy would be the biggest asshole on earth. As it stands he might already have that wrapped up though. Bringing a Rubik’s cube is just OUTRAGEOUS. Guess you need to break a mental sweat too though.