Four Years Ago Today: Big Sexy's Big Fly

I don't care where you're from, what team you root for or even if you like baseball. We will all remember this moment forever.

This home run transcended sports. I will never forget watching the Braves game that night and them cutting in before the next half inning with very important news and seeing what had just unfolded in San Diego. Sports moments where everyone is on the same team are so great to experience.

In terms of memorability, this will always be a top five baseball moment for me. It's obviously not the most important home run of my life — it was a game in May between a team I despise and one about which I could not care less — but we will all forever recall the night of the Big Sexy Big Fly.

We can never let this moment die. Our children will not understand how comically awful Colon was at handling a baseball bat. Most pitchers aren't very good hitters, but it's just because they haven't taken BP on a regular basis in six years. Colon was truly the worst hitter we've ever seen, bar none. The fact he actually got ahold of one and went yard is nothing short of divine intervention.

Long live Big Sexy.