NC State Frat Suspended After Pledge Book Full Of Every Offensive Quote They've Ever Said Is Found In A Restaurant

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RALEIGH, N.C. Pi Kappa Phi has placed its North Carolina State University chapter on interim suspension pending the outcome of an investigation into the contents of a book that was found at a restaurant near campus, the fraternity announced Friday morning.

The little, green book, filled with handwritten comments, included racially and sexually charged language and derogatory comments about women and children.

“The written comments and quotes reported earlier this evening are offensive and unacceptable,” Pi Kappa Phi Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes said in a statement. “These statements are inconsistent with the values of Pi Kappa Phi and will not be tolerated. We have instructed our students to cooperate fully with all investigation efforts.”

Katie Perry, a senior, at State, told WRAL News that her co-workers found what appears to be a fraternity pledge book at a restaurant near campus.

“That’s embarrassing and scary,” she said of the book’s contents.

The comments were signed in places, and the names match up to those listed as brothers on the Pi Kappa Phi website.

“This is just a group of 60-something young men at State making jokes about raping people, raping children, raping dead women, making very overt racist comments.”

By 9:30 p.m., the list of brothers’ names was removed from the Pi Kappa Phi website.




The comments were signed!  With their names!  Unreal.  This whole story is unreal. Greek Life is literally fighting for it’s life right now and you got pledges in North Carolina not only writing these down:


“It will be short and painful, just like when I rape you,” one page reads.

“If she’s hot enough, she doesn’t need a pulse,” says another.

“That tree is so perfect for lynching,” reads another.

“Be kind to the whales because they’ll lead you to the dolphins,” says a fourth.


But putting the full names of the people who said them right next to them, bringing it out in public, and forgetting it there.  Honestly tough to believe that people this dumb exist, but here we are.


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Quick note, not just for fraternities out there actually, but everyone in general – if you’re going to make comments about raping dead children and lynching black people, first of all maybe don’t, second of all if you really feel it in your bones that you have to, don’t write it down in black pen with a name printed next to it and leave it at the diner.  Bringing common sense back one blog at a time, that’s my mission.

