"Gangster Bro!" Guy Gets His Arm Chomped Trying To Hand Feed A Gator

Who's at a fault here? The gator for being a full blown jerk after getting told how nice of a person he was? Or the drunk guy who approached an obviously stalking predator close to the shoreline with handful of its natural prey? It's tough to say, but I'm going to go with the gator. Granted, the guy should've known that this...

would've led to this...

but still, just take the fish be gone dude. No need to eat the finger too. The good news is, Brad seemed pretty pumped about the whole thing. He even described the situation as "gangster" while looking at his somehow intact hand.  

How he didn't sustain any injures is beyond me. If you're drinking this weekend, make sure to keep your hands out of the water. You may not be as lucky as this guy...Stay safe, friends.