Dude Does A Sick Wheelie Through An Intersection And His Motorcycle Runs Away From Him





“Heads up out there ladies!  Get ready to drop those panties.  This wheelie is for you!”


Always happens. Try and look cool one time and it goes horribly wrong.  Do we know if the bike has stopped yet?  Or is that dude still chasing it?  It’s a sinking feeling to start something and have no control over it.  That’s not some deep thinking or anything.  I’m talking we used to ghost ride our bikes down the street all the time in my neighborhood.  You probably did too.  It was one of the more fun things to do as a kid.  The bike would normally end up crashing into somebody’s yard three or four houses down and it’d be fine.  But then there’d be times when you’d get a REALLY good one and it’d just keep going and going and going and going until it was in the middle of traffic somewhere causing a 25 car pile up.  It was good and bad.  Bad because you might’ve killed some but good because it was fucking awesome.  Simpler times.