Watch This Guy Find Out He's Gonna Be A Dad And Be Super Not Excited About It





We just watched a man die.  He’s dead.  Sure, he might still have a pulse and his heart is still beating but he’s head.  His body is laying on that kitchen floor, lifeless and he didn’t even know what hit him.  Sad.  All of his hopes and dreams just got tossed out the window along with any and all freedom he once had.  Such a genuine reaction to finding out that he’s dead now.  That’s how I feel most guys react, at least in their head, when they find out they’re gonna be a Dad.  Just like, “Fuck, are you serious right now?”  And it was clearly an accident because his significant other put “Oops!” on one of the bottles.  That look at the 9 second mark is the look of a guy who slipped one past the goalie and is paying the price for it.  But like I said, that’s as genuine of a reaction as you’ll get.  No jumping up and down.  No fist pumps.  No tears of joy.  Just hunched shoulders and a sobering realization that, for all intents and purposes, his life is over.  Sad stuff.  Another one bites the dust.  But hey, congrats you two love birds.  Dead man walking!