Dana White Goes Off On NY Times Reporter - "Fuck That Guy. I Don't Give A Shit What That Guy Thinks."

Just a few days after the New York Times published what was essentially a hitpiece on the UFC over their enforcement of COVID-19 safety protocols, entitled, "U.F.C.’s Coronavirus Plan Is Careful. Its Enforcement Has Been Spotty." - we've got a response from Uncle Dana - and it's pretty much what you'd expect. He don't give a fuck! He truly doesn't!

The first thing that Dana said here that I think is entirely accurate is that whoever wrote this article has obviously never covered the UFC before in their life. You could tell this, because they write "U.F.C." in their headline, like your ol' grandpa who says he'll stick to boxing because he "doesn't like the punches on the ground" or something. Ok boomer.

Another point I feel is necessary in bringing up - the UFC has administered like 1200 tests this week, and I think 3 (in total) have come back positive. Adding to that, they were all from the same group (Jacare Souza and his corner), and they were all exposed pre-fight week. Seems like the safety protocols are working, no?! How could they not be?! 

I feel like you can't write a hitpiece like this unless there's some sort've mass outbreak of COVID-19 among the UFC roster - which to the best of my knowledge, there isn't - so it's just outrage for the sake of being outraged...and I'm the last snowflake head ass who'd be the one to call that out. 

P.S. Dana just immediately and dismissively saying "Fuck that guy." cracked me up and reminded me of Kingpin going, "Kill that guy." the second he hears Miles make a noise in 'Into The Spider-Verse'...

"Fuck that guy." -Dana White, 2020