Kidnapped Toddler Reunited With Family 32 Years Later VIDEO

A man who was abducted as a toddler 32 years ago was finally reunited with his biological family Monday, with the help of facial recognition technology. CNN

Mao Yin was taken from his parents in 1988 when he was two years old while outside of a hotel in the Chinese city of Xi'an, in Shaanxi province. He was then sold to a childless couple in the neighboring Sichuan province, according to Chinese state-broadcaster CCTV.

This article is super interesting, and I'm really glad this man was finally able to reunite with his parents, who have been looking for him for three fucking decades, but what kind of mind fuck would that be?

On one hand you probably love the parents that raised you because at age TWO you are not remembering shit. On the other hand you just learned they stole you from your real parents. Do you now love them both? Or do you now hate the parents that raised you and think they are evil bastards for stealing you from your real parents?

On Monday, 34-year-old Mao was reunited with his birth parents at a news conference held by the Xi'an police.

I mean great job Xi'an police, but also, fuck you Xi'an police.. At a news conference? This is the kind of thing you do in private if you ask me. "Come on Mao, let's go make a spectacle of the fact you were stolen from your biological parents" 

This poor bastard now has to rethink his entire life, how he was raised, the turmoil his kidnappy parents caused his poor mother, whom he no doubt had formed a strong bond with by the age of TWO!!

Emerging from a side door of the conference hall, Mao called out to his mother and ran toward her. The family of three broke down in tears in a long embrace, the livestream of the news conference broadcast live by CCTV showed.


Ok I've changed my tune..My God that is beautiful! Just look at the happy family these selfish fucks tore apart, kidnapping should come with a mandatory life sentence if you ask me.

"I don't want him to leave me anymore. I won't let him leave me anymore," his mother, Li Jingzhi, said as she held tightly to her son's hand.

Mao, who now runs a home decoration business in Sichuan, said he would move to Xi'an to live with his biological parents, according to CCTV.

Guess that answers that, fuck you kidnappy parents!

Following Mao's disappearance, Li quit her job and devoted herself to the quest of searching for her son. She sent out more than 100,000 flyers and went on numerous national television programs. She also became a volunteer, collecting information about other missing children and helping 29 of them reunite with their families.

Ok this story is awesome, this mom is a fucking badass!!

There is no official tally on how many children are kidnapped in China each year. On the website "Baby Come Home," a widely-used platform for Chinese parents to post missing child notices, more than 51,000 registered families are searching for their children.


On average, fewer than 350 people under the age of 21 have been abducted by strangers in the United States per year since 2010, the FBI says. From 2010 through 2017, the most recent data available, the number has ranged from a low of 303 in 2016 to a high of 384 in 2011 with no clear directional trend. SOURCE

On a real note, I have an almost 10 year old son, and him being kidnapped is, and will likely remain my biggest fear until he is about 30 years old, when I am confident he can fend for himself and is no longer desirable in the eyes of the sick fucks who would want to kidnap him.

Keep those Amber Alerts on the startle the shit out of you setting, folks, You could prevent something like this from happening.

Have a great fucking day!
