Watering Hole Battle: 3 Lions Fight 1 Crocodile. Who ya got?




Always love these types of videos. Like watching Animal Face Off but less nerds telling me about psi and some actual life or death stakes. Let’s break it down:

Started out with a little 1 on 1

Pretty terrible odds for the lion here.  Kinda sorta in the water. One slip of the paw and one death roll later and this lion’s not chasing down any more gazelles unless he gets some Oscar Pistorious legs. Cue his little buddies to come help

WOAH. That lion must be part Asian. Because that is exactly how Asian guys’ friends pop up if you hit on one of their girls at a club or a bar. They just shoot outta the woodwork and all of a sudden there’s like a hundred little dudes ready to fight you. Tide has turned. Lions are the clear favorites now.

Don’t tell them that though. Hey idiot lions! Stop attacking from the front. Take some advice from Dennis Rodman and learn the triangle offense. It’s not that difficult. Figure it out, lions. Figure it out.


They figured it out

Frankly, I thought it was game over at this point. The lions got him all turned around here.  Business end is pointed the other way. Honestly, it’s probably not too early to send Zazoo to tell Pumba to get the frier going because it looks like everybody’s eatin croc tonight

ain’t dead tho


Dumb cats. You always play to your strengths. They should know that their weakness is water. Why would they let the croc get back in the river when they had him by the haunches? Would Superman go fight Lex Luthor in a kryptonite castle? Would Aquaman foil crimes in the Gobi Desert? Would Roger Goodell do a press conference attached to a lie detector? I think not. You don’t fight next to your greatest weakness. Cats being dumb per usual. Lettin the croc get away so they can play with yarn and lick each other or whatever. Losers


Ruling: Actual victory for the cats protecting that elephant smorgesborg. But a moral victory for the Croc. He just wanted a little nibble. Tried for a mono e mono showdown and got boom jumped by a bunch of little Asian lions and scrapped his way back to the river




P.S. Battle at Kruger still the GOAT


Double PS. RIP all your phones from these gifs and I hope DevNestNate doesn’t ether me like he did JJ the other day