Newt Gingrich Just Burned President Obama So Bad With This Foreign Policy April Fool's Joke

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Two things, love the delivery from Newt.  Love it.  Seemed so genuine and I’m sure he got a bunch of people because they probably think politicians won’t participate in Arpil Fool’s day.  Especially a joke where he says he supports the president.  Even when people found out that he was joking they were likely still pissed because that’s how people are.  Second, hate the delivery of the “April Fools! part”  Hate it.  Way too corporate and boring.  Newt needed to come out swinging when he revealed his last tweet was a joke.  He’s gotta say, “BOOM!  APRIL FOOLS!  FUCK YOU GUYS!  FUCK OBAMA!  YOUR FOREIGN POLICY STINKS!”  That’s how you do it.  Really go at him.  Otherwise it’s super boring.


Lastly, fuck April Fool’s day.  Seriously.  Admittedly the only reason I’m saying that is because I fuck at it.  I suck at remembering that it’s April Fool’s day.  Every April 1st I wake up and think, “Alright, stay on your toes today.  You know what this day represents.  Take everything with a grain of salt.”  And then literally a second later I’ll see a tweet or something a be all like THAT’S SO CRAZY.  I’m not even talking about just since I’ve been blogging.  I’m talking about since I’ve existed on Earth.  Today sucks.