James Conner Is Looking Like The Fucking Hulk

Looks like James Conner is wanting in on The Revenge Tour 2020 this year, too. 


JuJu has the chip. Big Ben is leading the charge with the biggest chip that I continue to feed. Now James wants to show the world in 2020 that this is the god damn Pittsburgh Steelers, and we got some getting even to do for the last couple of years. 

Look, I know I've been a part of the James Conner naysayers online this offseason, but that doesn't mean I don't want the guy to succeed. Hell yeah I want him to succeed. He was killing it in 2018 before injuries were tough on him in 2019. 

The Steelers have shown him plenty of faith. When he's healthy, and when he holds onto the ball, he's a game changer for this offense. Two big "ifs", but look at this dude. I'm willing to ride with him until completely proven otherwise when circumstances are all right for him. 

Let's just hope he's doing ball security drills in between lifting these weights and looking like a damn superhero.