Lady Completely Loses Her Shit When A Guy Catches A Stingray On The Beach



Hey, if she’s not gonna protect the stingrays from the Germans then who the fuck is?  That’s the question everybody should be asking.  She’s doing the rest of the world a favor.  We can’t just have Germans stealing stingrays from the ocean without getting arrested/ yelled at by some crazy lady.  Next thing you know, all the Germans are gonna have all the stingrays and we’ll be left with nothing.  You know what happens then?  Chaos.  Chaos happens then.  Germans will have all the stingrays and we’ll be screwed.  So screwed. So good lookin’ out, lady who forgot to re-fil her prescription.  Keep fighting the good fight.


PS- Love the part where the guy is like, “Uhh I’m not German” and she pays him no mind.  In her current state of reality he’s German, he’s stealing stingrays and nothing can change her mind.




h/t connor